Thursday, April 16, 2009


Ky and I are typing a life update lol!!
We are about to buy a house! OMG I cannot believe this is really happening! I know we've done things slightly backwards, but to say we're sick of renting is definitely an understatement! Today the 3 of us went and put a bid on 2 houses! Its an amazing feeling to say the least. Thinking about never having a neighbor share my wall ever again...or to be in a nice area, closer to my family. To know that our dog will have a backyard to relax in and our son will have a house to grow up in is so nice to think about! We'll have room for his walker and his bouncer and any other toy he wants. Whats totally crazy is when it comes right down to it our monthly payments including taxes and homeowners insurance will be the same as rent every month but we'll be able to say its our!
It is so incredibly strange to think about how much my life has changed! To go from a tiny ghetto apartment in CA to having a baby and a boyfriend who I'm going to marry one day and to be buying a house! To think its be almost 5 years since I graduated! Thats so insane sometimes it feels just like yesterday and yet everything has changed so much.
Sometimes I miss that life and wish I had done some things differently but then I realize that would change my life now. I probably wouldn't have Ky and I probably wouldn't be with the love of my life and I really dont think there is anything in the world that would be worth giving my two favorite people up! There are no words to explain my happiness these days. Even when things are stressful or I'm annoyed this is the very best time of my life! And I'm going to hang on and enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hot Yoga

So my new years resolution is to lose all my baby weight and be back down to my high school size jeans...I decided I didn't want a gym membership but I did want to work out. I'd heard about this hot yoga class, and since I've always liked yoga I decided I wanted to try it. Last week I went to my first class. You can never imagine how hard this class is. They turn the heat in the studio up to 105 degrees, and take some pretty hard poses and work it out. It was the most amazing workout I've ever done. You sweat like crazy, and all the toxins come out of your body and after the 90 min class you sleep like a baby. This class will definitely get me back into shape. I love it to which is good cause I hate working out and thats why I didn't want a gym membership. Why pay for something I'd never use...I can't wait to be toned and in shape again. They even have prenatal yoga classes so if I ever decide to have another baby I can still stick with it. I'm so excited about this class.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My Life

My name is Amanda. Josh & I have been together off and on for two years.The last year has been perfect. We met through his younger brother and hit it off instantly. Slowly I started to fall in love with him.
When we got pregnant last January it was a shock, and although we weren't married we decided this baby would be a blessing, and the best thing to happen to us besides meeting each other. Our parents were a little concerned considering our relationship wasn't always so consistent.
When we found out that we were having a boy we were both very excited. We started working to get his nursery together and trying very hard to pick a name. We wanted something different but something he wouldn't be teased for when he was older. We chose kyler together, and his middle name is after my dad...John.
Kyler John Pendleton was born Oct 21, 2008. The day I became a mom, we became a family, and our lives changed completely.
On Oct 20th at 1:30 pm I went to the doctor for my weekly apt. I was 100% efaced, and dilated to almost a 4. They sent me home and told me that if I didn't have Kyler before Oct 22 they would induce me. I went home pretty disappointed they couldn't just keep me.
By 5:00 pm on the 20th I was having regular contractions about a minute long and 3-5 mins a part. My best friend Kristy drove me to the hospital...Josh met me there and they hooked me up to the monitors. I was dilated to a full 4 at that point so they decided to monitor me for an hour and see what happened. Josh ran to get him some dinner and about ten mins after he left the dr came in and I was dilated to a 5 and having regular full on contractions. They decided to keep me and moved me into a room.
My parents headed over to the hospital and Josh got back just in time. By 8 PM they were inserting the epideral. At first they put it in wrong. I could feel everything they were doing and it hurt so bad. They pulled it out and tried again and the second time they tried it went in just fine and I started to feel the medicine working and I started to relax. They broke my water about 9 and after that I took a nap.
At midnight the nurse came in to check me and informed us that it was time to start pushing. I pushed for about half an hour before the dr decided to cut me. They also had another dr come in the push on my belly cause Kyler's feet were still up in my ribs even though his head was coming out. By 1:12 am Kyler was out and on my belly.
That day has been the best day of my life so far. Kyler is now almost 3 months. He holds his head up on his own, laughs, and smiles, and he's starting find his hands, feet, and tongue. He is the cutest little boy ever, and my life has never been more perfect. I love my family. I love my boyfriend, and my son with all my heart. No love could ever compare. They are my life, and I will love them both forever.